Main category: Education
Sub category: Language
Developer: AssistiveWare
Filesize: 31232
Title: Proloquo
▹ Proloquo v.2.0.5
Familiarity was key to reduce stress
Add your own buttons for the most important things in your life – choosing from 25,000 symbols or using your own photos.
Money Up!, by PKCLsoft will be US$3.99.
AssistiveWare offers a 50% discount when schools purchase 20 copies or more through Apple's Volume Purchase Program for Education.
There's an important caveat: they must be able to use the touchscreen. While traditional AAC devices support alternative methods of activating the icons, such as an eye gaze or switch, for people with severe physical limitations, this capability isn't yet available on the iPod, iPhone or iPad (although some determined and ingenious individuals have developed workarounds such as a mouth stick). And the iPod Touch is so small that fine-motor issues can make it hard to press the right icon. So while some people guffawed at another gimmicky Apple product when the iPad was announced, folks who use assistive technology applauded — the iPad opens up a world of new possibilities for them because of its larger screen.
Do you really know how to fully uninstall Proloquo 2.0.3b1 from your Mac? Even though app removal in macOS seems like much easier then conducting uninstall process on Windows operating system, there are still some puzzles and problems while they are trying to uninstall Proloquo 2.0.3b1 on their Macs.
Official site:
New! version [35292 KB]
to Sierra [29670 KB]
New on 10.13.4 [27484 KB]
Available options to uninstall Proloquo 2.0.3b1 on Mac
Other Controls
Proloquo2Go, on the other hand, is a much more complex app with a wealth of settings. You would be asked to provide the user's name, vocabulary (a way of organising the language), primary language, region, voice, vocabulary level (from basic to advanced), grid size (how many buttons you will see on the screen at once), and options which enabled you to copy buttons from previously created users (if they existed).
Core words in Proloquo2Go 3
Avaz le permite acceso a más de 15 000 símbolos de Symbolstix y a 4 voces sintetizadas IVONA que suenan naturales.
If you are looking for an alternative for VisioVoice's text reader functionality take a look at Wrise, which not only provides a great accessible text reader but also offers a range of accessible word processing features.
* The pre programmed vocabulary includes some language suited for a young child or teenager (e.g. see you later alligator, What's up?). It can be adapted for adults.
It also works as a communication system for people who can’t speak, can operate as a talking word processor and more. It can also act as a speech engine for other AssistiveWare software, such as KeyStrokes — the company’s on-screen keyboard software, and SwitchXS, its switch access software for Mac OS X.
{29045 kb} Download
IGxB1 3.0.5 Proloquo 2.0.8 Featured for MacBook Air
{28108 kb} App
Proloquo ver 2.0.8 Uy7O 2.3.5 Recomended Mojave
{33105 kb} Free
version 2.2.5 Proloquo zhnIRb 2.0.8 Language Portuguese
{31856 kb} Update
4.0.5 Proloquo buHEe 3.0.5 on MacOS
{36853 kb} Keygen
PROLOQUO VERSION 4.0.5 0DPMS 2.3.5 French version
{35604 kb} Full
NkdJkx v.2.0.8 Proloquo 2.0.6 to iMac Pro
Best for High Sierra
VERS.3.1.11_ENGLISH&FUN_F0C6.APP | 5915 kbytes | 3.3.9
Featured for OS X | 38854 kbytes | 4.1
Recomended Sierra | 65114 kbytes | 60.0.3255.15